Compressed Empathy

$50.00 - $500.00

  • Image of Compressed Empathy

Do you or someone you know lack empathy? Do you find yourself having a hard time connecting with people and really being able to put yourself in their shoes? Do you occasionally dismiss when someone is mentioning something that is dear and true to their heart because it doesn't affect you? This may be the solution for you. A can of empathy! Subtle but very effective, just spray on the unempathetic person and instantly they will have the ability to empathize with what is going on around them.

It's a real game-changer! We are currently trying to get this used as a military weapon, actually, it's not a weapon. It's the key to ending all wars.

Side effects include guilt, depression, concessions for past lack of empathetic thoughts and deeds and in rare cases suicide.

disclaimer: please note that these are pieces of artworks they are symbols they are not real sprays there is nothing in here to be sprayed on folks. It won't change the world all 'instant-like' but it might change the way you think about it, Sparks and conversations that may lead to some thoughts/actions and that could change the world.
25% of the editions can be found on the streets follow us on IG (@mz.icar) for locations.

Each can is signed and will be shipped with a certificate of authenticity. Canned Empathy is made from recycled spray cans. It is in an edition of 100. Each top and bottom of can is individually painted so they differ slightly making each one unique just like you :)

disclaimer: please note that these are pieces of artworks they are symbols they are not real sprays there is nothing in here to be sprayed on folks. It won't change the world all 'instant-like' but it might change the way you think about it, Sparks and conversations that may lead to some thoughts/actions and that could change the world.